Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tesserae Tuesday

Today I'm sharing the mosaic I made for my grandson. He's a big gamer and it's getting harder to find things to make for him as he gets older so I thought maybe he'd enjoy a mosaic with an Xbox controller on it.

I used carbon paper to draw his name and the controller.

Filling in the controller became a bit difficult as I was using pieces of scrap glass in different shades of black.

Putting confetti-like stained glass pieces around the edges gives it a frame.
When it was finished I felt it needed the black buttons in different sizes to give it some depth.
Even though this was a late Christmas present, he loves it! Yay!!

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics