Wednesday, April 22, 2020

WIP Wednesday

This WIP Wednesday is dedicated to a mosaic I'm making for my daughter as a belated birthday present.

I'm having trouble getting motivated right now, partly due to the emotional toll from COVID-19. No, I am not infected, nor is anyone in my family, gratefully, however I am empathic and usually use this gift to create art. Sometimes, however, people's troubles or the weight of the world gets heavy and I feel it all. After a while, I'm unable to function and nap a lot, binge watch whatever I can find, stay away from the news and only do minimal social media visits. And I definitely don't do art. My muse is tired. However, our life goes on, again gratefully, and I have work to do. Keeping up with this blog actually helps keep me motivated to a certain degree even if it's just to take a few photos like the ones below, showing what I want to do when the muse and I are ready to do it.

Yesterday I picked out the pieces I would like to use for her mosaic. Her favorite flower is a Starburst Lily. I printed out a drawing I found online and glued it to the panel. I'm not sure about all of it yet; the white around the edges of the flowers should be ruffled and I do have some dish pieces that might work for that. I need to find them. That could take some time because I have not done any organizing for quite some time. And it's entirely possible the dish pieces I'm considering aren't the right shape or are not the right color. I'll do a small search to see if they show up. If they don't I'll figure out something else to use. I have choices!

Anyway, here is the panel with the flower glued on it and my choice of dishes and glass so far.

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics