Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WIP Wednesday

Before I start on the next project(s), I wanted to do some prep work on pieces of Styrofoam. I've used it often, especially spheres, to make mosaics. This time, I have a bunch of bits and pieces from packing materials I've accumulated over the last few months. I never throw it out but space is limited so I can't keep them as they are for long.

Starting with small, flat pieces measuring 9-1/2 inches by 5-1/2 inches, I covered them with plaster cast strips.

These are the perfect size to make some mosaic magic!
Now that they are covered in strips, I'll let them dry overnight and cover them with a watered down layer of thin set. If they feel strong enough to handle a heavy mosaic, they are good to go. If not, I'll add another layer of both strips and cement. I've used 3-5 layers sometimes on the boards just to ensure they'll handle the weight of tess and grout.

Next up is a birthday present for my oldest daughter who is going to be 35 this year. I don't know how that happened!

This is a stargazer lily photo I found online. They are her favorite flowers. I decided to glue the photo down on the board and follow the pattern instead of drawing it. There's a lot of detail in these flowers and I'm pretty sure I have the right kind of glass to go with it. I also have some dish tiles I could use that might be interesting to see used here.

I'll play around with the glass and dishes I have and see how it goes. I might use both! You just never know.

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics