Monday, January 15, 2024

Keeping Up With The Muses

 Keeping up with the muses isn't always easy. Over the course of a week I've had thoughts about improvements for the garage space/art studio, mosaics, doodles and painting. It's hard to know where to start some weeks.

This week I picked starting small with a few mosaics.

The plan for this one is to get it listed on my GoImagine Shop before Valentine's Day. Also some pendants I've made over the years will probably make their way into the shop. We shall see.

A favorite design, you may have noticed, done on a small ceramic plate like the heart above. These little plates are the perfect size to add a little color or interest in any room in your home. I hope to get this one listed as well. That's the plan, anyway.

I did move on to doodles. A few were painted in watercolor, some using alcohol ink and others using Sharpie markers along with black ink.

I shared the bottom right last time. Top right isn't finished with adding doodles. I started to work on it but thought it looked pretty good as it was and I may have ruined it. I will go back to doodling on it with ink because I started it. It's been put aside for now.

Out of the ones I shared in the above photo, this is the winner in my eyes.

It became a window. The bohemian curtain draped along the left side, the couch peeking up from the bottom. Then the flowers which could be wall paper, a painting, a stained glass window or even a funky garden. This became something. That's the thing about intuitive art. You never know where it will lead!

I also took some time to paint a few canvases. It's unclear if they will be for mosaics or for painting. Possibly dot painting. I'll share them as I create them.


Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics