Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tesserae Tuesday - Swirling Moon

 After a lot of thought and contemplation on what color to use for this moon, I settled on soft purples and lilacs. Mostly because I had a lot of small scraps that would work for it. I like these color combos and I think it'll work really well.

Of course, mirror will fill in the swirly bits. I love using mirror. It helps make the magic happen!

Here is a good shot of the colors I'll use, along with my newest mug from naturallife.com. It's a VW bus with the words: "Follow your heart" on the inside. This morning it was filled up with pumpkin pie spice hazelnut coffee. I added the spice myself. Mmmm coffee.

So there you have it. The tess I'll use and the work-in-progress so far. Tomorrow I'll share more progress for this quick little mosaic which will be headed to Etsy as soon as it's grouted!



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