Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In The Studio - Wednesday

On Friday I shared all the pretty glass I nipped up to attach to a vase. I love working on glass-on-glass projects but the fact that they are circular means I must be patient!

Literally waiting for glue to dry so I can turn it and continue working. It is really cool looking. Groovy!

And it is now in the "to be grouted" pile.

Black grout will make this awesome vase pop!

After I worked on the above vase, I picked up a green flower pot and started adding trees to it.

I really love the color of the vase, so I smashed up the last shelf I had in tempered glass for it.

I put clear tape on one side before breaking it to try to keep the bigger pieces together. I've used glue to try that and it never worked. I'd get tiny pieces anyway. This time, I thought clear tape would keep some of the pieces together. We like to use "islands" of it because when it crackles apart some of the pieces are very small. However, the tape didn't work either. As you can see, as awesome as this looks, every single crack is an individual piece of glass. Next time I have the chance to break a shelf or large piece of tempered glass, I'll use painters tape on it and see how it works. I'm still learning even after all these years of mosaic making!

Meanwhile, here's the vase with much wet glue on it holding the tempered glass in place.

Once dry it will be clear and the green color of the vase will come through.

On Friday, I'll share the way it looks with glue slightly dryer. And maybe a new mosaic piece or two.

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics