My very first sale from Handmade at Amazon was a holiday inspired mosaic tray.
My very first sale from aftcra was the mosaic star box with pendant I shared in my Promo Blast! post on Monday.
One of my favorite customers asked if they could get a gift certificate for their newlywed sister who just moved into a new home with her new hubby. He was thinking they'd like to get some custom made switchplate and outlet covers and a few other mosaic decor items. This same favorite customer saw this new flower vase I listed yesterday and decided he wanted one for himself with the same colors but not with a flower. Excellent!
Flower Mosaic Vase |
Yesterday I spent some time ordering supplies for the shop and custom ordered vase. The newlyweds are still deciding what they want but I know they will be keeping me busy soon. I'm hoping to get a few more items to work on to rebuild my stock. I must keep the energetic flow moving. It's important to have what the muse needs when she needs it!
Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!

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