There's not much activity mosaic wise today but there are some fresh doodles and a few other fun things to share.
Here are the doodles I shared a few days ago, featured on pillows. These are available through
Storenvy. Aren't they awesome?!
I get so excited when I see a piece of art that was in my head right in front of me. Any art, doodles or mosaics, when I see these things on paper or a cool shape, I am so happy. Art gives me great joy. The excitement builds when I can do something like this with decor items and share my mosaics and Doodle Dots with so many customers.
Here are the latest doodles that may end up as pillows and a few other items very soon.
When the doodles don't make the cut, I cut them up and will use them as gift tags and put some under glass for mosaic magic!
Here's the test piece to see if a doodle under glass looks good. Of course, it does.
The weather has been hard on me this year, especially this month. I'm having a lot of trouble managing my pain and since I can't get to a doctor any time soon, I have to do the best I can to keep myself as comfortable as possible. I have found, much to my dismay, there are days when I can't do much mosaic work. Some days it's hard to hold the tools, hard to handle the small pieces of glass to place them on the substrate, etc.
The culprit:
April storms and low pressure systems are not my friends |
I do still have a lot to accomplish with my mosaic art, so once the pain subsides, I know it won't be long after that, that you will see a slew of photos sharing mosaics in all sizes and shapes once more.
Inspiration always come from my window |
I also see the beauty in the changing of seasons, in spite of the pain the cold and rain causes me. It brings happy buds to my inspiration tree and I love that. I focus on how strong this tree is and how it comes to life each spring against all the nasty weather. If it can do it, so can I.
Meanwhile, switching gears a little bit, I found some leather conditioner on Etsy (although I no longer have an Etsy store, I still shop there!) recently in a shop called
Choice Cuts Industries who handcraft leather goods. Who better to get a conditioner from? I decided to try it on the straps of the cutting boards my Dad made in the 1950's and donated to me to mosaic. I like the results. Here they are before and after the conditioner.
These straps have been sitting in a basement and untreated for a long time. I am going to put a few more layers of conditioner on them. I do love these shapes and am anxious to get them done as soon as I can. The wood isn't in great shape so covering it with mosaic tiles is the best way to bring new life into them like the one I have on my wall.
I'm hoping once this set of storms moves on out, I'll start to feel better enough to continue in the Super Secret Mosaics Lab and work a little more on the gifts I'm making for 10 lucky people who are fans of the EMM
Facebook page.
Enjoy the moments.
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Stay peaceful,