Switch plate covers are the new fun things right now. Paint, stained glass and broken china have all had their turn.
I love how the plate above looks so different just by turning it. Cool! I don't know how much to sell these for and I'm not sure I will. I think the ones with grout need resin and I don't have any of that here at the moment. I'm not real good with it but once I practice using it, I'm sure I'd get better. I do need to get some first, though. What price? Does $10-$15 range sound right? I truly have no clue. I did some searching and the range is $10-$40. Because I'm just now experimenting with them, using the lower range in price seems right to me.
I also made a quick mosaic on a piece of wood. It had a hook at the top, which is long lost now. When I can find something here in the studio to replace it with, perhaps an extra sawtooth hanger if I can find one, it should hang up nicely. Meanwhile, it looks find propped up next to me on my shelf.
And finally, I got through the last of the Christmas gifts. I did want to get this finished on time but I couldn't find a place that had the shape I wanted. When I finally did, it was very close to the holiday and shipping took a while. But, it's finished now and might even head out later today if I can remember to give it to the girls to take with them when they go back to their Mom's tonight. This is for my step-granddaughters' half sister. Confused yet?
In other news, I'm adding a few more items to my Zibbet shop now that the Earth Mother shop on Etsy is temporarily closed. The 2nd shop, CindyWhitePhotoArt is still up so far, although I had to change my policies for payments to PayPal which means I had to refund the first sale I had recently when I had Direct Checkout connected to it. I had to take that away because I pay a lab to do the printing on the items and need the sale money in order to do that. With Direct Checkout, you get the money only after you've marked the item shipped. That won't work for me and might cost me even more sales but it is what it is.
It's all good, though, because I can at least still be part of the Etsy community I love so much.
I found a new place to share my mosaics too at shophandmade.com. I have no idea how long it's been around but it's new to me! Nothing new or different has been added, but it is another venue and one I hope will generate a few sales from. Check it out: artbyemmosaics
And here on the blog you can shop direct. Use the tabs above to see what's available. I'm adding items a few times a week to all places, depending on the day.
My favorite are the mosaic switch plate covers!
new follower from etsy blog team :)
Thanks! I'm heading over to your blog now to check it out and share the love. :)
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