Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday's Wrap-Up

Wrapping up another artistic week here at the Purple Palace. Lots of doodles mostly because I got myself some new art supplies.

Before I share all the drawing fun, here's the mosaic I worked on last week and finished up yesterday. It's now in the grout pile. I like to grout on the weekends, which means it might possibly get grouted and will be hanging on the wall next time I write.

Now onto the doodles. I'll share them as I normally do, in order, but I'd like to mention the last one in particular under the photo. Take a minute to read it if you are so inclined.


This last one is especially meaningful. I'm reading "Being Peace" by Thich Nhat Hanh. The quote within the doodle is from that book. I've noticed a shift in my being this week. I took a bit of a break from the internet and chatting a lot with family and friends to just go within, read, do my art, drink my coffee in the morning, wine in the evening. I can honestly say it is the life I'd always dreamed of. My daughter and the fam have helped me get here and they're still here so I am not alone or lonely. There are cats and a dog, nature all around me. Like Spring, I'm coming into focus. I think my art reflects this.

Until next week ... ☮

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics