Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Busy Week in my World

 A busy week in my world, for sure. First let me share the mixed media piece I mentioned last post.

This is done on a 4 x 4 inch canvas I painted black. I did a little mosaic of sorts using Lapis Lazuli tiles (loved these so much; hope to get more at some point) within a circle of no bake clay (rolled and then sealed with glue/water mixture to keep from cracking) painted in violet acrylic, a broken brooch, two glass beads and white acrylic for the dot painting. The fairie brooch was a gift from my daughter and now it sits lovingly in front of me propped up by my computer. The best news is that the clay can be painted which means it'll work for future projects using it in mosaics once I get some molds that are on the wish list.


Now the doodle art is next. These are usually done in an evening. Sometimes more than one can be done. Others are still being worked on after two days. It just depends on the design. Lots to look at, I'm sure, but all were so much fun to create. I used stencils for some of them, some are intuitive.

And lastly, the mosaic coasters. It was a true joy to work with tiles that were all one thickness. No cuts or DNA was spilled ... that's rare for me! Grouting was easy and I did all 8 in one sitting.

However, it turned out that the adhesive on the tape mixed with the oil I used for the backs (should have done that part last ... duh) along with the glue I used for the tiles made a sticky residue after the tape was removed. I also noticed the scoring I did on the wood was visible around the edges since I decided not to mosaic all the way to the edge. That was something I didn't anticipate and will now leave the scoring part out of the next set. I'm fairly sure just using sandpaper is enough to give the glass and/or tile something to grab hold of.

What a mess! Cleaning the wood with white vinegar and sanding the edges around the tiles again helped get rid of some of the staining and discoloration but not all of it. They needed some more TLC.

The best thing I can do is paint them and I believe the first one I have painted looks good. Thank all the Muse Goddesses who share my space with me!

I might have to put a sealant on the paint but for the moment I'll concentrate on painting the rest of them. I've yet to start work on the ones I'm making for the family in Norway but making mistakes with these is the way to do it. These can still get listed for sale once they've met with my approval.

All comments and questions are welcome. Have a great weekend! If you want me, I'll be in the Purple Palace Art Space!

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics


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