Thursday, April 18, 2024

World Art Day, April 15th - My Favorite Day

Monday, April 15th was World Art Day! Held each year on the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci – World Art Day provides an opportunity to affirm the role of the visual arts in our world. 
I love an excuse to be creative (although I don't need one) and this week is as good as any to do some new art pieces.
I'm still working with cardboard; cutting it into shapes and then dot painting. I found, for some odd reason, the crescent moon I cut out was hard to get exactly right. Perhaps it was the angle in which I had cut it. It was the first attempt and something I will definitely work on.
Here's where the moon and sun have been placed on the walls in my room.

Some adjustments will be made with the art on the wall in the first photo. More small art will get placed in a few gaps I see here.

I've been doodling regularly but only a few made it to the end. At some point, many get lost in thought. Those get cut out and saved for future use. Maybe for a canvas.

One practice doodle this week turned out fairly nicely. I'm getting better with petals (photo above shows them as well) but I still need to work on my free handed circles.

More mugs, pillows and tote bags will be added to my website and all prices throughout the site have been changed. These reflect the materials and shipping increases plus my 19 years of experience.
Here's a new one called "Hippie Flowers". I think it's groovy.


Until next week ... ☮

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics