Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I'm back and in a new home!

This may sound a little narcissistic ... or maybe a lot ... but I was studying the mosaic shrines I've got around my brand new room (yes, we've moved!) that I've made and think they may be some of the best art I've ever made in the last few years. One, "The Tower of Now" is still in the early stages and not yet finished but I love it very much, especially the way I did the words on it. That will be shared in the next post I do. Hopefully within the next few days.

I have made three shrines in total. I've shared all of them in the past, but the other day as I was looking at these pieces, I saw things I'd change, things that amazed me, things that amused me. I thought maybe sharing them was a good way to start blogging once more.

 Here we go! It's time to share "Be Peaceful" once more. :)

The wording on this was really difficult for me to do. If I had a do-over, I'd have taken bigger pieces of glass and tried to make it work on the small sections I used. Also, I'd put the ones that are on the sides vertical instead of horizontal. They are very difficult to read without the WIP photos.

This one is the hardest to read. "Mind - Matter - Spirit". Great inspiring words too hard to see may just be counter productive. Sigh.

It says "Meditate".

This one says "Breathe"

Easy to read before grout but I think it was one of the first times I tried doing lettering by cutting up small pieces of glass, so I guess it's not too bad. Being self-taught is all about the lessons learned.

The orange center focal piece on the back is a plastic flower that looks great when the sun shines through it. It goes through to the front making this interesting no matter which way it's turned.

Small brass angel candle holders are glued to the sides. The dot painted legs are a fun addition.

I hope you enjoyed revisiting this piece with me.



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