Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Creative Chaos Journal

As you may know, this year I've been experimenting a lot with collage, abstract art, and altered books. I'm discovering a freedom I can't have with stained glass and dishes. I have to say my hands are happy even with the long hours of making collage papers because there's no difficult tools to use. I think I'm a long way away from getting a handle on collage or being happy enough to sell anything just yet but this journey is amazing!

At the moment, I am altering an old hardbound book I've had for over 20 years. In my attempt to use what I have, I've found only a few books to alter. The hunt for more may very well be in my future because this is a wonderful exercise in creative freedom for me.

I'm not going to share every page I've done so far mostly because they change almost daily as I add a spot of paint here and there. I go back through the pages and add a thumbprint of paint or a random circle in acrylic. Here are a few of my favorite pages so far. Chances are they've already been altered and look slightly different than shown.


As a side note to this post ... I made a Junk Journal last year and thought I'd share a lot of those photos here at some point in the future. I have to gather them up on the computer and make sure I have the whole thing, although it ended up at something close to 90 pages or a little over. I don't think I'll share all of them but maybe when I have very little going on in the studio I can share a few pages every now and then. Most are on my FB personal page but not everyone does FB. And it would be good to have it here anyway just for prosperity. 😊


Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics


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