Thursday, March 20, 2025

Collage Papers Art

I can't believe I've made so much collage paper fodder in a very short amount of time. To keep things under slight control, I've started using some of what I have made in different ways.

Some pieces are abstract, similar to the 100 Day Challenge I'm doing.

Collage abstract using hand made papers and doodle art with acrylic paint. 5 x 7 inches.

Collage abstract using hand made papers with acrylic paint. 4 inches.

Some are a favorite subject: the moon, using papers with espresso powder. LOVE the way these look!

 Many are getting cut out as peace signs, flowers, birds, etc. Fun to do!


This kitty above is one of the first I attempted to make cutting out shapes using the collage papers I've made. I was so happy to actually be able to make something with them and have it look fairly decent. I felt so accomplished!! The excitement in trying something new is what keeps me going back to the work tables each day. In all the art forms I enjoy from doodle art to mosaics, if it doesn't excite me, I won't spend time on it. So far, everything is very enjoyable and gives me a sense of peace I crave while creating.

I'm still very much in love with making collage papers (the honeymoon is definitely not over!) and I keep trying new things with the Gelli plate almost daily. I know this is just the beginning of a long and beautiful romance.

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

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