Thursday, December 14, 2023

Time Keeps on Slippin'

Hello there and welcome to the newest blog post. I almost forgot to write a post this week because the time just goes quickly some days. Other days I think time stops for a loooonnnngggggg time. This week it's going by at its usual fast pace. I have trouble keeping up with the muses in my head some weeks.

I've been working on a lot of things. Some will be gifts but mostly just what's in my head that needs to come out to make room for other things.

I finally finished the ornaments for the fam. I had many more than this and scrapped them all but these four. It just wasn't happening; the metallic markers dried up, the acrylic paints did too, the black alcohol ink marker wasn't black enough, etc. When I first had the idea to make the ornaments it was only going to be for the fam within the household at this present time. And that is what the Universe heard and what it allowed me to do.

Grouting wasn't hard. Small things take very little time. There's a few in this photo above that will not be gifted because when the final touches were made, all the bad art days arrived.

Here they are, ready to give and be hung on the tree. Beads and twine added a nice touch.

Meanwhile during the bad art days everything got ripped up if it was on paper. If it was on a board or surface of some sort in mosaic, it all got pulled up and put aside. Basically everything was garbage to me! Luckily I don't have those days very often and it seems to be gone now. Whew. I lost my identity when I lost my muses. I usually give myself time to rest and recoup and prepare for the next wave of creativity but this time the creativity dried up in mid-stream and I wasn't ready or prepared.

The best thing I did for myself was to relax and work on what I wanted to work on. Do my Zen thing. As I shared on my FB Page the other day: "I decided to switch gears and just focus on something I really am enjoying creating. Circles on canvas using pique assiette, grinding tools and water. One piece at a time, focused only on that one piece. Zen by definition: a state of calm attentiveness in which one's actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort."

It worked. I feel energized and ready to do new things both in doodles, watercolor/acrylics and mosaic. Not necessarily in that order.

This is the beginning of something fun. I'm using marker pens on canvas. As you might be able to see in the background it is based on a photo I took many years ago of one of the trees in the area where we lived at the time. Spring blossoms are just starting. It makes me happy so far. That's a wonderful thing.

The other day I ripped up all the doodles I had done within the last few nights and kept them, as I always do, so that I can use them in some way or another in art. Paper mosaics are fun to do but I like to try new techniques as well. I watch a lot of YouTube videos on many different subjects.

As I ripped up the doodles that didn't look right to me, I cut the edges off and started doodling within these small pieces (shown on the right side of the photo below). Nothing fancy or complicated, just rounded petals. And that's what you see here.

I don't have any idea where I'm going with these. They could become tags for gifts or they could get glued down onto a canvas and become something ... it's okay that I don't exactly know just yet. It's more important that the wheels are turning again in the art brain.

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics