Wednesday, November 18, 2020

WIP Wednesday - Gazing Ball and Refrigerator Woes

This has been an unusual week for me. My fridge/freezer here in the attic decided it's no longer going to work. I had to cook everything from the freezer that I could and tossed out quite a bit of food. Since I was raised by depression era people, you know that was almost painful to do. The good news is I have the means to get another fridge/freezer almost identical to what I had and to fill it up pretty well with fresh food once it arrives. Life is definitely challenging but it's all good!
What the above means for me is no mosaic time. Once things settle again, I'll have new work to share. However, here's where I left off ...
The last time I shared this gazing ball here on my blog it was very close to finished. It's now resting comfortably, waiting patiently for me to grout it all in black.

I really like the different tesserae I used here but it will be a bit of a challenge to grout because none of it is the same thickness. I run across that a lot and sometimes the sides of the dish tiles stay ungrouted just because there's nothing for the grout to grab a hold of. Usually it works out okay and isn't too obvious but sometimes it can bug me for a really long time until I try to do something to fix it.

Here's hoping I am okay with it, once it's grouted, because I'd like to put this in my Etsy shop.
Tomorrow is Theme Thursday. I'm really enjoying tying the theme to the Fabulous Friday posts. I hope you enjoy them too.

Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics