The fun continues with my "Mr Coffee Candle Holder" mosaic. It's been a slow process, maybe only working for 1/2 an hour in the morning and then after dinner about the same amount of time. I can work in the heat of the day if I wanted to, but I don't. And this piece is for me so it doesn't matter how long it takes. It is super fun to work on, though!
This was where I left off a few days ago. |
I didn't get back to this one until yesterday, which means I had a 4 day break from it. That's why I didn't write a blog post on Friday. There really wasn't much to show or share.
Now there's only been a little more added but I'm going slowly and truly enjoying the journey on this mosaic. My breathing slows down as I concentrate on each piece in my hand and where it should be placed. I find listening to New Age music is good on some days, while Classic Rock music works on other days.
These were taken Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully I'll keep going and share the progress on Friday.
Meanwhile, I'm happy to report that I've made a few sales on Etsy and got a custom order from a good extended family member! Woo-hoo! Believe it or not the custom order is for Christmas presents! Yikes!! I can't believe how fast the major holidays are creeping up on us. While I listen to the grandbabies splashing around in the pool below me when I work at my table, it's hard to believe that the seasons will be changing again soon.
I finally packed up all the reward mosaics for the fundraiser (that debt has been completely paid off) and they are shipping out today! Yay!!
Such a pretty sight to me ... 3 mosaics lovingly packed and heading on out to the folks who donated to the fundraiser last year. |
Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!
Stay Peaceful and Enjoy the Moments.
Cindy, Earth Mother Mosaics