The Mosaic Muse is sleeping peacefully, slowly stretching her wings, not yet ready to wake up.
The Camera Goddess is wide awake however. I've been taking photos of the area around me, mostly from the porches and am so pleased with the results. I LOVE it when the Goddess is awake!
The weather has been either cold and/or very wet from rain and my bones are just as happy staying in a warm space.
I've been considering what to do and how to do it in this room so I can maximize the space I have available to me. I won't be able to do much or what I see in my head until I've paid off the debt I started the fund raiser for. That will be close to summer time in May or June.
But I am still going to mosaic; as I already feel a slight tug to order more glue since it never made it here with me. I will be working on the fund raising rewards soon so that requires gathering a small amount of cash in the next few months to get the supplies I need to make those. I only need a few things which is great for the budget. I'll be using my bed, a box to hold the glass and other fun things I like to use when I mosaic and watch Netflix with a kitty purring at my feet.
Just because I don't have the dedicated studio space set up, doesn't mean I'm not dedicated to creating. I recently found my doodle pad and a pencil, so I am drawing a little bit. Woo-hoo!
Mostly I'm resting, still looking through boxes that line the hallway toward my room. Not even a small portion of boxes I showed here in the last post when I was packing up have made it to me yet. Those, I truly hope, made it to storage and weren't left behind.
I've had to give up a lot during this move. Just stuff, but still ... my stuff. Pretty sure those wonderful old mosaic stained glass windows I made were left behind due to time restraints and not having the room in cars and vans that were used to transport all of our belongings from one place to the other. My kids, bless their hearts, did what they could to get me in a safe environment and settled enough to be taken care of but I had to let go of so much. I'm in mourning, understandably, for the art I am missing and will be very surprised if I see most of what I am missing ever again.
Art ... so much art ... supplies, clothes. They tell me a lot is still in storage and safe but they don't know exactly what. When I ask about a specific thing, they don't really know if they saw the box, if it got into storage or if they had to leave it behind. I believe this is the Universe's way of telling me to truly start over, fresh, one must cut all ties of the past. Once I am at peace with the loss, I can continue to create new art and feel the renewed excitement once more.
The fam as a whole is now starting to get settled themselves here in our new home and blending in with the rhythm already established by family already living here and who opened their home up to us. What a blessing.
It's been a nice adventure so far, a welcome one. I like learning that I'm not the only elder, no longer alone in my dreams of an artist's life and finding kindred spirits in the young ones as well as the ones older than I am. We've all known each other since before my daughter had my grandson and got along really well. Now we are together every day and have started a few new traditions. One was creating a talking stick and a Gratitude Jar.
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Photo credit: Siobhan Comisky |
We are all getting the nurturing we need. I only see bright skies ahead for everyone as a group and individually. I'm happy I have food to eat, companionship when I need it, quiet time when I need it, comfort of hot/cold running water. The basics are taken care of and the creative spark will continue soon once more, I'm positive.
Life is good!
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Stay peaceful.
Cindy, Earth Mother Mosaics