First it was due to spending time "reclaiming my space" and then losing the internet for three weeks made it impossible to write. However, now I'm back and ready to share some of what I've been doing.
"Reclaiming My Space" continues --- During sunny days, I sort through the jars of glass I've accumulated so far to get the colors separated (the 2nd sorting). The first sorting I did was to put the stained glass, glass gems, millefiori, etc, in jars and/or containers to get them separated from boxes filled with scraps of them all.
The next sorting, which I'm doing now, is to take each piece and decide where it belongs. The first sorting was to get like colors together: orange, amber, brown, beige, for example. Yes, each piece got looked at and a decision made. Small pieces, using tweezers, get held up to the sunlight to see the color properly. Yes, this is time-consuming. And yes, I love doing it! The second sorting I'm going through what I've done and getting color and texture separated: light blue, dark blue, mottled glass (colored with streaks or blotches of different shades) and rippled glass (an irregular, wavy line pattern).
The dish tiles will get sorted in the same way, by color then design. That sorting shouldn't take long. But the glass will take some time.
I've also put iridescent glass, Van Gogh glass, Smalti, glass tiles, mirror in separate boxes. They too will have to be sorted by color and the glass will be sorted a few times; all the examples stated will have their own container and then sorted once more: iridescent glass by color (pastels and neon colors separated as well within color), tiles by color, glitter, glass, vitreous and possibly size as well.
I will take photos of those once I get there with the sorting part so you can see what I mean, but meanwhile, they all wait on my floor next to my bed for inspiration and sunshine.
I'm amazed at how much I've done. Believe it or not, this photo shows progress. Had I been willing to share what I had waiting for me before I started this "reclaiming my space" project, you'd be amazed, too.
Keep in mind I'm living in a 13' x 10' room. With so much around me to organize, it got very overwhelming before I started. Mosaics have a way of spreading out and needing more space. I find more substrates to use, people give me broken dishes and pottery, when I have a custom order I almost always buy new glass to work with if it is within the budget to do so. It's all got to go somewhere!
I'm so glad I've finally decided to put some sort of order back into my living space. I'm even looking forward to bringing in some new furniture once the entire room is finished (my goal is by my birthday in September).
I will be going back to work in mid-March, making mosaics and grouting, adding listings and sharing the WIP's with you here. And working on the organizing/sorting/purging as I go. I'm used to the muse stepping in and taking over, and I expect her to do so often in the next few months.
One of the main reasons I started with the studio side of the room was so I could continue the momentum to do the rest of the room (not as important to me as getting the art side of the room organized) and continue with cleaning and organizing. Getting the studio side settled first means I can go back to work on the art I love to create while working on the rest of the space to make it inhabitable for myself once more.
On a personal note: on January 30th we lost one of our beloved furbabies and my favorite napping buddy. Tramp, our old sweet ginger kitty was sick for about 3 weeks. We don't know her exact age, but my daughter thinks she was 15 or 16. That made her close to 80 years old in people years if that is the case. I think she was closer to 12 or 13, which puts her in the mid-60's in human terms. Closer to my age and could be why we connected in such an awesome way. We watched as she just slowed down to a halt. Each of us took this loss in a different way; gave her lots of love and made sure she knew it was okay to go when she was ready. Some stayed close to her, others gave her distance, but we all honored her passing and are still grieving. She made a profound mark on my heart. I miss her very much.
I'll be making a small plaque on Wediboard soon to be hung on the fence near where she is buried. One family member asked that I put a pumpkin on it because that was one of her nicknames. I'm working on the design this week and will probably start working on it soon after that.
Meanwhile, we have Gypsy still with us. Sweet as ever and happy to get the extra attention we all seem to need to give to her after her sister passed away. Here's a photo I took of Gypsy the other day, napping and hugging herself. So, so cute!!
Support Independent Artisans, Designers and Crafters for your gift-giving needs all throughout the year. Thank you!~Cindy, EarthMotherMosaics

Condolences on the passing of your beloved ginger furbaby. A good age to go though, and sounds as though when it happened, it was indeed the right time. Glad you've got another to keep loving.
Thank you, Isobel. It's never easy but always worth the years of love we get in return.
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