Friday, March 14, 2025

100 Day Collage Art Journey Update

At this writing, I am Day 44 of the 100 Day Challenge. So far, each square has been placed within a leather bound book. I'm not sure it will hold all 100 days but we shall see.

Here is Day 44.

I have almost filled two large canvas panels using the collage papers I put in this book. It's more practice that I feel I need in getting colors and shapes combined in a pleasing way. I also have found the use of acrylics enhances the collage but sometimes I overdo it. This is where the book comes in handy. I can see the progress and what I think I need to work on every day.

I love these panels. They're pretty nifty, huh?


Until next time ... Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

EarthMotherMosaics on Etsy

 I'm giving a little shout out to a featured mosaic this week. One of my favorites. If I had to pick just one, this might be it.

Stained Glass Mosaic, Mosaic Plate, Mosaic Sun, Bohemian Style, Hippie Art, Birthday, Wedding, Retirement, Mother's Day, Father's Day


Bohemian Sky - $140.00 USD

 Stained Glass Mosaic made on a recycled microwave plate. Recycling at it's best!

I found the inspiration for this through a coloring app online, changing it a bit adding my own EarthMother vibe to it.

 Measures 13 inches.

It was made using hand cut stained glass, some iridescent. A few pieces are from a broken drinking glass (the yellow center in each design). This took approximately 3 weeks to complete from start to finish.

Indoor use only. 

More photos available on Etsy.


Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics



Monday, March 10, 2025

Table Makeover

In December 2023 my cousin brought me an old disassembled MDF table that was no longer needed in her home. I asked her to save it for me thinking if nothing else, I could break it down and use the pieces in some artful way.

It sat in our garage for about 6 months until I decided I should look it over. I discovered not all the hardware was with it but also the legs had split where the connections to the base of the table would go. It's not easy to repair MDF once it's split. It will always split again at some point even if you don't use the original holes to put things back in place.

My father was a woodworker all my life and although he worked with actual wood and rarely with MDF the rules are basically the same. You can repair it but it might not look like it originally did especially with MDF pieces. He repaired antiques and you'd never know there was a crack or a leg missing once he finished his magic. MDF isn't wood and I'm not comparing what I did here with what he did. However, I felt his guidance from above as I worked. He was definitely helping me decide how to take what was and make it new once more. He passed in August of 2024 so didn't get to see the result of my labor but I know he was with me, just the same. And I feel he'd approve of my efforts.

I primed all the pieces in early 2024 and as I did, I thought I'd try to use the legs in a different way and put them on the base. I wasn't successful ... no matter how I thought they'd go, there was a gap or a tilt or a whole section of just basically air from point A to point B.

So ... it sat. And I stared at it and kept thinking.

 And it sat. And I thought some more.

The arrow is a reminder that the other side of this panel needed a hole fixed.

Until one day in September of 2024, I bought paint called Tibetan Turquoise made by Behr. In February 2025, I purchased hairpin legs through Amazon, making the decision to add new legs instead of trying to use the old ones. The old pieces shown in the photo above are in the mosaic pile to be used to make wall art. Like I always say, nothing goes to waste.

Eventually, I felt strong enough physically to paint and add the legs. Plus a little bit of mosaic magic to it. It felt great being in the Purple Palace again working on a small mosaic!

This is similar to what it looked like when it was brand new. Legs were on an angle and not straight up and down, but basically this is what it looked like.

Here it is primed with it's new legs.


Adding the paint was a true joy. To see it coming together was an amazing experience. I don't usually do makeovers like this. I definitely want to do something more at some point. It was fun!

Finishing mosaic touches make it truly my style.


I love how this turned out and will continue to be useful for years. Please think before you decide to toss out something. There's always a way to reuse or revamp so many things and save them from the landfill.

Thanks to my cousin, who used the original table from 2012 to 2023 and saved it for me, I was able to give it new life. Huzzah!!

What do you think? Leave a comment if you'd like and consider some inexpensive makeovers you can do. I'm no expert but if you have a questions about how to do something, please feel free to reach out. I'll help you if I'm able or direct you toward someone who can.

Until next time ... Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics

Friday, March 7, 2025

Happy New Year!

 I know I'm a little late in my wishes, but I hope 2025 hasn't been too awful for you so far. There's so many changes happening right now.

As always, I take the first 3-4 months away from mosaic making to focus on other things during the new year. Usually I clean the studio; make notes as to what I might need once I begin making mosaics once more. This year was a little different and I'm happy with how it's going so far.

In January, I took a free online class on how to make collage papers. It was an eye-opening experience and one I've fully embraced. I've loved abstract collage for years; even made a few calling them "paper mosaics". Here's an example of one made in 2012 using old business cards.

 After the online class, I started to play with acrylics and different kinds of papers to find what I liked and didn't. That led me to purchasing my first Gelli plate. I'm so in love with this art form and the way to make collage fodder is endless!

Using my old doodles, ink stamped papers and even paper towels used to wipe off paint brushes, I stumbled onto something not only easier on the hands but joyful to create.



For those who are curious about my mosaic making, no worries. I'll still be making them too. In a few weeks, around the time Spring has appeared on the calendar, I'll be back in the studio to make a few small mosaics for Etsy.

At some point, I'd really love to have enough collage art to sell. It seems I have found an alternative for those bad hand days using the tools to cut glass and tile and still be creative. I'm so grateful for that.

As far as where to sell them, that's a whole bothersome thing for me to figure out. Perhaps I'll open a second Etsy shop once I have enough art to make it worthwhile. My website doesn't get a lot of traffic and I've got mugs, totes and pillow covers available featuring my art and photography and haven't sold a thing. That's fine ... not every one can buy art or items for their home ... but that doesn't mean I won't keep creating. 😁

Sunflower By The Water Throw Pillow


Meanwhile, I'm reorganizing the Purple Palace. I just got a lamp for the table (not shown here) and I've upgraded to a higher desk to work on. I used a small card table for years (now next to the desk on the right side wall) but my body wants/needs something more comfortable. A small computer desk fits nicely in this space. I obviously still have a lot to do. I could use some shelves or book cases to hold my supplies. Maybe by summer I'll have it all organized. 😅 Quite a few mosaics hanging on the right side were gifts I've received from other mosaicists over the years. They inspire me. 💜

 All those boxes you see in this photo above are filled with supplies, stained glass and dishes. All should be on shelves and in clear containers for easy viewing. The budget for these things is minimal but possible. Slow and steady ...

Back to collage work: I've started a book with a collage a day for 100 days using papers I'm still making daily. I choose 5-7 papers and use them for 5 days. This is to learn what I like and don't like with textures and papers and designs. Once the 5 days are through, I add the combination to a large canvas panel.

Day 36/100 created 03.01.2025

First canvas panel


So much color surrounds me these days. Happy me!

That's what's been happening here in my part of the world. I'll share more collage, more mosaics and doodles too in the months to come.

Enjoy the journey.

 Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics