Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hug Someone You Love Today

I'm taking some time away from blogging and promoting my shop from December 23rd until January 6th. I'll be spending time with finishing touches and more creations of mosaic gifts but also and much more importantly, I'll be spending time with my family.

We recently learned of the passing of a very important person in our family; my Grandson's biological father. He had many demons chasing him and I'm thankful he was able to find some peace in what turned out to be the last months of his life. He had the chance to bond with his youngest son who is 5 (my grandson) and got to know and enjoy his granddaughter who is not yet a year old. The last time our blended family spent time together was on Thanksgiving and it was one I will never forget. The day was filled with love, laughter and unity. I will miss him very much. Hug someone you love today, tell them you love them and mean it. Life is a most precious gift. Find minutes in each day to be thankful for your life. Find things about it that make you happy ... even if it's just a small thing ... enjoy as much as you can because now is all we have.

Sending out love and getting it in return is one of the best virtual vibrations I've ever experienced - not just today - but all year round. Happy Holidays, with much love, from me to you.

Be at peace.